Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: A Nutrition Education and Safe Hygiene Workshop at Rastra Secondary School

In a collaborative effort between the Community Innovation Organization (CIO), the Ward Health Office, and with the invaluable support of CAFODAT, a transformative Nutrition Education and Safe Hygiene Practices workshop was recently conducted at Rastra Secondary School in Ward no. 11, Tarkeshwor.

This enlightening initiative saw the active participation of 123 students from classes eight, nine, and ten. The program aimed not only to impart essential knowledge but also to instill a profound understanding of the importance of nutrition and hygiene practices in their daily lives.

Three seasoned professionals in the fields of Nutrition and Public Health led the workshop, providing invaluable insights to students from classes 7 to 10. Health workers from the local health post also graced the occasion, demonstrating the community-wide commitment to fostering a healthier, more informed future.

Sumitra Upadhayay, health post chief, ward health post, shared her perspective on the workshop, emphasizing the practical nature of the lessons learned. She expressed the belief that such initiatives should extend beyond public schools and urged private institutions to adopt similar programs. “We are what we eat,” she emphasized, underscoring the pivotal role of nutrition in shaping our well-being.

uring the workshop, a student shared a poignant reflection, stating, “We knew bits and pieces of this information, and some aspects were covered in our curriculum. However, this workshop made us realize the gravity of these matters that we often took lightly. It’s an eye-opener.”

The sentiment echoed by the student resonates with the overarching goal of the program—to create awareness that transcends textbook knowledge. The workshop not only equipped the students with practical insights but also inspired a shift in perspective, encouraging them to recognize the significance of healthy choices in their daily lives.

As we celebrate the success of this collaborative endeavor, it serves as a reminder that education extends beyond the traditional classroom setting. Empowering students with practical knowledge about nutrition and safe hygiene practices lays the foundation for a healthier, more informed community.

This workshop is not just a one-time event; it’s a catalyst for change, inspiring students to become advocates for their well-being and encouraging communities to prioritize the vital link between nutrition education and a healthier society.

#nutrition #adolescent #adolescentnutrition #schoolactivity


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