Earthquake’s Impact and Ongoing Challenges

The magnitude 6.4 earthquake that struck western Nepal has had a devastating impact, with the death toll now revised to 153, down from the initial count of 157 due to duplication of names. The epicenter of this seismic event was Jajarkot, where 101 lives were lost, while the adjoining Rukum West district reported 52 fatalities. This adjustment reflects the complexity of disaster assessment. According to the Kantipur daily the earthquake had far-reaching consequences, affecting 13 districts and causing complete destruction of 17,792 homes made of stone or mud mortar masonry. Additionally, 17,529 houses of the same construction type were partially damaged and rendered uninhabitable, highlighting the daunting task of reconstruction. A particularly heart-wrenching aspect is that nearly half of the deceased were children, underscoring the tragic loss of young lives.

Destruction of houses due to earthquake in Jagarkot and Rukum(west).

The aftermath of the earthquake has left eight survivors in serious condition, emphasizing the ongoing need for medical attention. The disaster struck certain areas with exceptional force, Annapurna post mention that single ward of Bheri Municipality, where 31 lives were lost. Moreover, the earthquake left 213 schools seriously damaged, resulting in the loss of one teacher and 11 students. The region experienced a staggering 439 aftershocks, with the largest measuring at 5.8, perpetuating the sense of unease and instability. Search and rescue operations in Rukum West have been completed successfully, bringing some relief to the affected communities.

While the immediate relief efforts are commendable, the threat of a larger earthquake looms as the Indian and Tibetan underground plates continue to interact, emphasizing the need for ongoing vigilance. Relief efforts are underway, with organizations and countries contributing to aid and support. The NRNA and MIT Group Foundation have raised Rs 10 million for quake victims, while UN agencies have launched a Joint Emergency Response. City Express Group has announced Rs 2.5 million aid package, and both the Indian and Chinese governments have contributed relief materials, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. The path to recovery will be challenging, but the resilience of the Nepalese people and the global community’s solidarity offer hope in the face of this devastating natural disaster.


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